

2017-10-13 来源: 责任编辑: 作者:本站编辑查看:





邮箱:feiwu610@swu.edu.cn   课题组网站   English version


2002.09-2006.06   武汉大学化学与分子科学学院  学士

2007.09-2013.06   武汉大学化学与分子科学学院  博士

2013.09-2018.06   5822yh银河国际材料与能源学部     讲师

2018.06-至今     5822yh银河国际材料与能源学部     副教授 





设计合成了一系列新型有机小分子空穴传输材料、电子传输材料及界面材料,应用于钙钛矿太阳能电池;通过优化钙钛矿前驱体提高钙钛矿电池性能;合成新型近红外有机光伏材料应用于三元有机太阳能电池。目前在J. Mater. Chem A., ACS Appl Mater & Interfaces., ChemSusChem等期刊共发表SCI论文近40篇。主持国家自然科学基金一项。












1、Q. Xiao, F. Wu*, M. Han, Z. Li, L. Zhu*,   Z. Li*, A pseudo-two-dimensional conjugated polysquaraine: an efficient   p-type polymer semiconductor for organic photovoltaics and perovskite solar   cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 13644-13651.    (IF2017 = 9.931)

2、K. Jiang,   F. Wu*, H. Yu, Y. Yao, G.   Zhang, L. Zhu*, H. Yan*, Perylene Diimide-based Electron Transport Layer   Enabling Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 16868-16873. (IF2017 = 9.931)

3、K. Jiang,   F. Wu*, L. Zhu*, H. Yan*,   Naphthodiperylenetetraimid e-based Polymer as Electron-Transporting Material   for Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Mater Inter. 2018, 10, 36549-36555. (IF2017=8.097)

4F. Wu, W. Gao, H.   Yu, L. Zhu*, L. Li*, C. Yang*. Efficient small-molecule non-fullerene   electron transporting materials for high-performance inverted perovskite   solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,   6, 4443–4448. (IF2017 = 9.931)

5、W. Gao#,   F. Wu#, T. Liu#,   G. Zhang, Z. Chen, C. Zhong, L. Zhu*, F. Liu, H. Yan*, C. Yang*, Multifunctional   Asymmetrical Molecules for High-Performance Perovskite and Organic Solar   Cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, in   revision (Co-first author) (IF2017 = 9.931)

6F. Wu, Y. Ji, C.   Zhong, Y. Liu, L. Tan, L. Zhu*, Fluorine-substituted benzothiadiazole-based   hole transport materials for highly efficient planar perovskite solar cells   with a FF exceeding 80%. Chem. Commun.   2017, 53, 8719-8722. (IF2017 = 6.319)

7F. Wu, Y. Shan,   J. Qiao, C. Zhong, R. Wang, Q. Song, L. Zhu*, Replacement of Biphenyl by   Bipyridine Enabling Powerful Hole Transport Materials for Efficient   Perovskite Solar Cells. ChemsusChem,   2017, 10, 3833-3838. (IF2017 = 7.226)

8、R. Wang,   J. Qiao, B. He, X. Tang, F. Wu*,   L. Zhu*, Electron extraction layer based on diketopyrrolopyrrole/isoindigo to   improve the efficiency of inverted perovskite solar cells. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 8429-8434.   (IF2017 = 5.976)

9F. Wu*, J. Liu, G.   Wang, Q. Song, L. Zhu,* m-Methoxy Substituents in a Tetraphenylethylene-Based   Hole- Transport Material for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 16636-16641.(IF2017=5.317)

10F. Wu, X. Yue, Q.   Song, L. Zhu*, Replacing PbI2 by   MAPbI3 to Realize Large Grain Size and Reduced Hysteresis for Highly   Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 2017, 1700147.(新杂志)

