
Kang En Tang

2022-01-21 来源: 责任编辑: 作者:本站编辑查看:


姓名:康燕堂(Kang En Tang



邮箱:kanget@swu.edu.cn;   cheket@nus.edu.sg


1972.09-1976.05    Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

1976.09-1978.12    Bachelor of Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1978.01-1980.09    Master of Science, State University of New York-Buffalo

1980.09-1983.06    PhD, State University of New York-Buffalo

1983.06-1983.12    Post-Doc, State University of New York-Buffalo

1984.02-1993.12    讲师/资深讲师,新加坡国立大学化工与生物分子工程系

1994.01-1999.12   副教授,新加坡国立大学化工与生物分子工程系

2000.01-2021.12   教授,新加坡国立大学化工与生物分子工程系

2022.01-至今       教授,5822yh银河国际


1. Surface functionalization via   molecular design

2. Polymers in nanoscience and biomolecular engineering

3. Polymers in environmentally-benign applications

4. Molecular/polymer electronics.


致力于高分子材料研究,在光电信息功能材料结构设计与表界面性能调控、材料表界面修饰与改性, 生物医用材料表面改性等方面取得了一些成就。 迄今在   Chem. Soc. Rev., Prog. Polym. Sci., Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew.   Chem. Int. Ed., Nat. Mater. Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Nano Lett, Macromolecule,   ACS Appl Mater Interface等期刊发表研究论文及综述760多篇,论文总被引超35,000次,H-index94   (Web of Science Jan-2022检索数据);受邀撰写著作章节25篇;申请并获授权国际专利25项,其中美国专利11项;在国际学术会议上做受邀/主旨/大会报告60余次;主持新加坡教育部、环境局、科技局等基金项目20多项。



英国 (RSC) Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)

新加坡国家自然科学奖National Science Award (1996)

美国化学工程师学会(AIChEOutstanding Researcher Award (2015

新加坡千禧基金-新加坡国立大学SMF-NUS Research Horizons Award2010

新加坡国立大学Staff Achievement Award (1997)

新加坡National Young Scientist and Engineer Award (1989)


ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces                   副主编 (2010-2020

Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology     副主编 (2006-2008

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces                   编委 (2021-至今

Polymer                                                                编委 (2009-2019

Plasma Processes and Polymers                           编委 (2005-2013



1. Pranantyo, Dicky;   Raju, Cheerlavancha; Si, Zhangyong; Xu, Xiaofei; Pethe, Kevin; Kang,   En-Tang*; Chan-Park, Mary B.*; Nontoxic Antimicrobial Cationic Peptide   Nanoconstructs with Bacteria-Displaceable Polymeric Counteranions, Nano   Letters, 2021, 21, 899-906


2. Xu, Gang; Neoh, Koon Gee; Kang, En-Tang* and Teo, Serena   Lay-Ming, “Switchable Antimicrobial and Antifouling Coatings from Tannic   Acid-Scaffolded Binary Polymer Brushes”, ACS Sustainable Chem.   Eng. 2020, 8, 2586−2595.


3. Yang, Wen Jing; Neoh, Koon-Gee; Kang, En-Tang*; Teo, Serena   Lay-Ming*; Rittschof, Daniel*; “Polymer brush coatings for combating marine   biofouling”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2014, 39, 1017-1042.


4.   Chen, Yu*; Zhang, Bin; Liu, Gang; Zhuang, Xiaodong; Kang, En-Tang*, “Graphene   and its derivatives: switching ON and OFF”, Chemical Society Reviews,   2012, 41, 4688-4707.


5.   Fu Guodong; Li Guoliang; Neoh, Koon-Gee; Kang, En-Tang*, “Hollow polymeric   nanostructures-Synthesis, morphology and function”, Progress in   Polymer Science, 2011, 36, 127-167.


6. Xu Li Qun*; Yang. Wen Jing; Neoh, Koon-Gee; Kang, En-Tang*,   Fu Guo Dong, “Dopamine-induced reduction and functionalization of graphene   oxide nanosheets”, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 8336-8339


7.   Xu, Fujian*; Neoh, Koon-Gee; Kang, En-Tang*, “Bioactive surfaces and   biomaterialsvia atom transfer radical polymerization”, Progress in   Polymer Science, 2009, 34, 719-761.


8. Ling, Qidan, Liaw, Der-Jang; Zhu, Chunxiang; Chan, Daniel   Siu-Hung; Kang, En-Tang*; Neoh, Koon-Gee; “Polymer electronic memories:   materials, devices and mechanisms”, Progress in Polymer Science,   2008, 33, 917-978.


9.   Zhang Yan; Kang, En-Tang*, “Surface Modification of Fluoropolymers via Molecular   Design”, Adv. Mater. 2000, 12, 1481-1494 (Review)


10. Kang, En-Tang*; Neoh, Koon-Gee and Tan, Kuan   Li., “Polyaniline: A polymer with many interesting intrinsic redox   states”, Progress in Polymer Science, 1998, 23, 277-324